#BloodLore: A White Stag Anthology

Co-Edited with Trista Edwards

Poetry, Flash Fiction, & Lyrical Essay

Opens July First.

White Stag Publishing seeks submissions for a new anthology, #BloodLore, exploring the depths of personal mythology & familial lore. We invite poets, flash fiction writers, & lyrical essayists to delve into the wellspring of blood memory, ancestral wisdom, descent, & lineage as you define it.

Do you find yourself haunted by whispers of the past? Does your family history hold secrets waiting to be unearthed? We welcome submissions that explore the intersection of personal experience & the mysteries passed down through generations. Let your blood tell its story.


  • Ancient rituals & traditions

  • Family legends & secrets

  • Myths & folklore passed down through generations

  • The cyclical nature of life, death, & rebirth

  • The exploration of personal mythology

  • The forging of new myths from personal experience

  • Inherited stories & their influence on your identity

Please read all guidelines below prior to sending us your work. If you are not familiar with our publications, please consider purchasing a book or anthology to get a good sense of what we like to publish.

Include all bodies of work in one document with the title of piece(s) at the top of each page. Send as an attached doc, docx, or pdf to editor@whitestagjournal.com with the subject line BLOODLORE - [AUTHOR NAME]. Failure to add this subject line may result in delayed response, due to how we filter our emails. Please include a short bio &/or any necessary notes regarding your project in the body of the email. 

*Previously published works are allowable with permission from & credit to the original publication / publisher.

If your work is chosen for publication, you will receive $5 per poem or $10 per flash fiction or lyrical essay piece + one copy of the printed anthology.

Poetry: No more than 8 pages of poetry in a single document.

Flash Fiction: No more than 1500 words per piece.

Lyrical Essay: No more than 1500 words per piece.

*You may send multiple pieces as long as they don’t exceed 8 pages altogether. Please do not include cover letters or bios within the document.

Reading Period: July 01, 2024 thru October 01, 2024.


No fee.